dimanche 24 novembre 2013

Au congrès de l'ANTEL - Quelle place pour la Mobile-Health?

Quelle place pour la Mobile-Health dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de maladies chroniques ?
J. Car
Director, Global eHealth Unit School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Royaume-Uni 

Health-related expenditures need to stop increasing faster than the GDP. One of the key tenants of an international effort is focus on finding ways for more efficient delivery of care. Reducing cost growth will ease the budgets and pressure to cut. mHealth is ripe of opportunities for not just ‘incredibly exciting’ but also cost-lowering, quality-improving and value-enhancing interventions. Taking diabetes as an exemplar of chronic conditions I will show how medical care, disease prevention and self-care - which is happening in the consumer space - could be elevated to a new level with mHealth; and thus present a real step-change innovation of future health care systems.

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